When Does Santana Join Glee Again

Glee – Flavour 3 Episode and Song Guide

Season 3:

3×01 'The Imperial Piano Project'

– The outset of the new school year finds New Directions several members short since Sam moved, Lauren quit, and Quinn becomes rebellious. Will places some purple pianos around the school for the kids to use in an attempt to inspire more people to join. Kurt asks Blaine to transfer to McKinley and later some deliberation Blaine decides that he wants to spend more than fourth dimension with Kurt and makes the transfer. A pupil named Sugar Motta auditions for New Directions, but she is a terrible singer and is not allowed to join. Rachel and Kurt continue on their path to get to New York and, after coming together with Emma, decide to apply for NYADA, which is one of the height art schools in the city.

Sue is running for Congress and doing poorly in the polls until she changes her platform and vows to get rid of funding for the arts. She likewise makes Santana and Becky Cheerios co-captains and tells Santana she must bring down the glee club. Santana directs the Cheerios to dose i of the purple pianos in lighter fluid and then that it explodes when Quinn flicks her cigarette on information technology, which prompts Volition to ban Santana from glee.

'We Got the Beat' – New Directions
'Ding-Dong! The Witch is Dead' – Rachel & Kurt
'It'south Not Unusual' – Blaine
'Anything Goes/Anything Yous Tin Practise' – Harmony
'Y'all Can't Cease the Beat' – New Directions

3×02 'I am Unicorn'

Aroused at her rejection from New Directions, Carbohydrate Motta gets her dad to rent Shelby Corcoran as the managing director of a 2d glee lodge which Sugar will exist a part of. Shelby reaches out to Rachel, Quinn, and Puck since she is going to be seeing them every day now. She allows Puck to come across his girl, but tells Quinn that she can't see Beth until she cleans upwardly her human action. Quinn goes back to her normal expect, but confesses to Puck that she is only pretending then that she can win back custody of Beth.

Kurt and Rachel seek opportunities to improve their NYADA applications. Kurt decides to run for student trunk president and both he and Rachel audition for the lead roles in the school product of Due west Side Story. Kurt overhears musical directors – Emma, Beiste, and Artie – discussing whether or not he would be believable in the office. He becomes upset until he talks to his dad who tells him to comprehend the things that brand him unique. Not wanting to go head to head against Kurt, Blaine auditions for one of the supporting roles, but the directors ask him if he would consider reading for Tony.

'Somewhere' – Rachel & Shelby
'I am the Greatest Star' – Kurt
'Something'due south Coming' – Blaine

three×03 'Asian F'

Mike's male parent gets angry when Mike earns an A-, known as an 'Asian F', and tells him he must quit glee and break upwardly with Tina. Mike decides he wants to pursue his dream of dance and auditions for W Side Story. His mother finds out and offers him her support. Kurt congratulates Blaine on his likely casting as Tony and decides to focus his efforts on the presidential race, but grows worried nearly that too when Brittany, his opponent, has a large bear witness of support. Mercedes competes against Rachel for the function of Maria and a worried Rachel joins the race for student body president. Mercedes grows frustrated at the favoritism she believes Rachel receives and withdraws her proper noun from the musical and quits New Directions. Rachel and Blaine finish upwardly getting the roles of Maria and Tony. Will arranges a surprise dinner for Emma with her parents. When all they do is ridicule their daughter'due south OCD he grows angry and tries to help Emma recover from the encounter.

'Spotlight' – Mercedes, Tina, & Brittany
"Run the World (Girls)' – Brittany & Santana
'Cool' – Mike
'It's All Over' – Mercedes, New Directions (Booty Military camp), & Will
'Out Here On My Own' – Rachel & Mercedes
'Fix Y'all' – Volition & New Directions

iii×04 'Pot 'o Gold'

Irish foreign exchanges educatee, Rory Flanagan, begins to attend McKinley and is hosted by Brittany, who believes he is a leprechaun. Mercedes joins the glee lodge headed by Shelby and tries to recruit Santana who won't come without Brittany. When Finn tries to convince them to stay he tells Brittany she is stupid for assertive Rory is a leprechaun. Brittany and Santana quit afterward this and join Shelby's all girl glee order, the Troubletones. Quinn continues on her plan to regain custody of Beth by planting several items in Shelby's dwelling house. Puck later returns to remove the items and ends up sharing a kiss with Shelby. Sue continues her congressional entrada confronting the arts and her deportment inspire Burt to run against her equally a write-in candidate. Finn sees Rory being bullied and, later helping him out, convinces him to join New Directions.

'Bein' Green' – Rory
'Final Fri Night' – Blaine & New Directions
'Waiting for a Girl Like You' – Puck
'Candyman' – The Troubletones
'Take Care of Yourself' – Rory

3×05 'The First Fourth dimension'

During rehearsal for the musical, Artie asks Rachel and Blaine how they can expect to accurately portray the sexuality of Maria and Tony if they have never had sex. Rachel conveys her interest in Finn, but when he realizes her newfound involvement is because she wants to meliorate her acting he grows angry and walks away. Blaine goes to visit his friends at Dalton and meets new Warbler, Sebastian Smythe. Sebastian is as well gay and makes it clear that he is interested in Blaine. Sebastian convinces Blaine and Kurt to get to a gay bar with him where Kurt runs into Karofsky who has transferred schools. Blaine becomes drunk and tries to initiate sex with Kurt, but Kurt doesn't desire their first time to be like that, so Blaine leaves him and angrily walks home, though he later apologizes. Later the successful performance of the musical Blaine and Rachel opt to skip out on the after party. Rachel goes to Finn's house, where he is upset that football recruiter, Cooter Menkins, had no interest in him, and Blaine had Kurt come over to his house. Both couples have sex for the first time.

'This evening' – Rachel & Blaine
'Uptown Girls' – The Warblers
'A Boy Like That' – Santana & Rachel
"I Have a Beloved' – Rachel & Santana
'America' – Santana, Puck, & Cast of West Side Story
'1 Manus, One Middle' – Blaine & Rachel

3×06 'Mash Off'

Puck tells Shelby that he has fallen in dear with her and tries to beginning a relationship with her, just she rejects him. Will and Shelby decide to have a brew-upward competition between their ii groups in an endeavor to end the growing hostility betwixt them. Led by Santana, the Troubletones are particularly cruel in their behavior towards New Directions and a frustrated Finn lashes out every bit Santana asking why she doesn't come up out of the cupboard. Sue begins running false smear campaigns confronting Burt and tells Kurt if he wants to win the pupil ballot he should exercise the aforementioned. Kurt refuses and at the assembly Rachel withdraws her name from the race and encourages people to back up Kurt. Sue calls Santana into her office and warns her that one of her opponents in the Congressional race has a niece that overheard the comments Finn made to Santana. Sue tells her that an advertisement is about to exist run that outs Santana equally a lesbian. Santana grows very upset. She blames Finn and later slaps him in front of all of New Directions and the Troubletones.

'Hot For Teacher' – Puck, Finn, Blaine, & Mike
'You and I/Y'all and I' – Volition & Shelby
'Hit Me with Your Best Shot/One Way or Another' – New Directions & The Troubletones
'I Can't Go For That/You Make My Dreams Come True' – New Directions
'Rumour Has It/Someone Similar You' – Mercedes, Santana, & The Troubletones

3×07 'I Kissed a Girl'

Santana faces the consequences of beingness outed as a lesbian, only is supported past the members of both show choirs. She tells her family and is supported by her parents, merely non her grandmother who tells her she is no longer welcome in her house. Shelby calls Puck for back up during an emergency with Beth and the two end up having sex. Shelby immediately regrets it and tells Puck to go out. Puck goes to Quinn and decides to tell her his hugger-mugger. Thanks to the advertising campaign, Sue's poll numbers have fallen, and then she begins a relationship with Cooter, who had been dating Beiste, to dispel the lesbian rumors. Beiste declares her love for Cooter and vows not to get downwards without a fight. Sue ends upward losing the election to Burt anyway. Kurt is worried nearly his own campaign and considers stuffing the ballot box. After the ballot he is chosen into Figgins part where he learns that he won, but there were besides many ballots. He swears he did not crook, but is still disqualified and the election awarded to Brittany. Rachel later confesses that she is the one who stuffed the box. The incident goes on her permanent tape, she is suspended from school for a week, and she is too banned from competing in Sectionals.

'Perfect' – Blaine & Kurt
'I'grand the Simply Ane' – Puck
'Girls Just Wanna Take Fun' – Finn
'Jolene' – Coach Beiste
'I Kissed a Girl' – Santana, Rachel, Tina, Quinn, Mercedes, Sugar, & Brittany
'Constant Craving' – Santana, Shelby, & Kurt

iii×08 'Concur on to Sixteen'

Rachel and Finn go in search of Sam to attempt to bring him back to McKinley in fourth dimension for Sectionals. They find him working secretly every bit a stripper to aid support his family and are able to convince him to come back. Blaine grows frustrated with continually having his suggestions ignored and storms out of rehearsal. Finn finds him beating on a punching pocketbook and admits that he's been giving him a difficult time because he was jealous of his talent. With the addition of Sam and a few of the band members New Directions has enough members for Sectionals where they compete against the Unitards, which features Harmony, and the Troubletones. New Directions wins. Quinn decides to tell Figgins about the relationship between Puck and Shelby, merely Rachel tells her that volition not be all-time for Beth. Quinn relents for Beth's sake and learns that Shelby is leaving McKinley.

'Crimson Solo Cup' – Sam & New Directions
'Buenos Aires' – Harmony & The Unitards
'Survivor/I Will Survive' – The Troubletones
'ABC' – Tina, Kurt, Mike, Quinn, & New Directions
'Control' – Quinn, Blaine, Artie, & New Directions
'Man in the Mirror' – Finn, Artie, Puck, Blaine, Sam, Mike, & New Directions
'We Are Young' – New Directions

3×09 'Extraordinary Merry Christmas'

Sue recruits the New Directions to sing at a homeless shelter where she plans to volunteer for Christmas. They are besides asked to create and perform a holiday special for a local cable station with Artie directing. Both events are on the same day and all just Sam and Quinn choose the idiot box special over the homeless shelter, which they say they tin get to another day. The television special goes off without a hitch until Rory decides to read the Christmas story from the Bible every bit opposed to the reworked story of Frosty. The group begins to feel guilty for not going to the shelter, and then after they are finished they get in at the shelter and sing.

'All I Want for Christmas is Y'all' – Mercedes & New Directions
'Blue Christmas' – Rory
'River' – Rachel
'Extraordinary Merry Christmas' – Blaine, Rachel, & New Directions
'Let It Snow' – Blaine & Kurt
'My Favorite Things' – Rachel, Mercedes, Blaine, & Kurt
'Santa Claus is Coming to Boondocks' – Finn, Puck, Rachel, Mercedes, Blaine, & Kurt
'Christmas Wrapping' – Brittany, Santana, Tina, Mike, and The Cheerios
'Do They Know It's Christmas' – New DIrections

3×10 'Yes/No'

Sam tries to reignite his summer romance with Mercedes in spite of the fact that she has another boyfriend. Becky asks Artie on a date, which he accepts. He finds that he actually enjoys her company, but when she expresses her want for the two of them to have sex activity he realizes that he must end it. Volition begins to make plans for a marriage proposal to Emma. He asks Finn to be his best homo and in their moment of bonding Finn confides his plan to follow in his father'due south footsteps and join the army. Volition tells Carole of Finn'due south plans and she confesses to Finn that his dad was not a war hero, instead he suffered from PTSD, was dishonorably discharged, and died in the hospital from a drug overdose. Finn is devastated and wonders what the time to come has for him now. Will meets with Emma's parents to receive their blessing for his planned proposal, but they practice not give information technology and say that she can not handle matrimony and family due to her OCD. Will decides he doesn't intendance and proposes anyhow, to which Emma enthusiastically says yes. Later, Finn also proposes to a stunned Rachel.

'Summer Nights' – Sam, Mercedes, & New Directions
'Wedding Bell Dejection' – Emma, Beiste, & Sue
'Moves Like Jagger/Jumpin' Jack Flash' – Artie, Mike, Blaine, Finn, Puck, & Will
'The Start Time I Always Saw Your Face' – Rachel, Tina, Santana, Mercedes
'Without You' – Rachel
'Nosotros Plant Love' – Rachel, Santana, & New Directions

3×11 'Michael'

New Directions makes plans to perform Michael Jackson music at Regionals, simply when Blaine tells Sebastian, Sebastian steals the idea for the Warblers who volition exist performing first. The two groups challenge each other for the right to sing Jackson's music. When they face off, Sebastian throws a slushie intended for Kurt, but it hits Blaine when he jumps in the way. Blaine is injured from the incident and needs surgery to repair his scratched cornea. The glee kids are furious at what happened, and Santana manages to get a recording of Sebastian admitting he added rock salt to the slushie. New Directions plays the tape for the Warblers so they know what Sebastian did.

Meanwhile, Sam persuades Mercedes to sing a duet with him and the two share a kiss afterwards. Finn asks Rachel if she has decided on an answer to his proposal, but she says she still needs time. Kurt receives a alphabetic character letting him know he is a finalist for NYADA and he rushes to tell Rachel who admits she has not gotten a letter. Rachel finally accpets Finn'due south proposal and not long afterward her own letter of the alphabet arrives letting her know she is also a finalist.

'Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'' – Blaine & New Directions
'Bad' – Artie, Santana, Blaine, New Directions, & The Warblers
'Scream' – Artie & Mike
'Never Tin Say Goodbye' – Quinn
'Human Nature' – Sam & Mercedes
'Ben' – Finn, Rachel, & Kurt
'Smoothen Criminal' – Sebastian & Blaine
'I Simply Tin can't Cease Loving Y'all' – Rachel & Finn
'Black or White' – Artie, Rachel, Santana, Kurt, Mercedes, & New Directions

3×12 'The Spanish Teacher'

An opportunity for promotion to a tenured position opens up at McKinley. Both Will and Sue want to promotion only to find that they have each had student complaints leveled against them. Volition seeks the aid of an adult Spanish teacher, David Martinez, to help him find news means to impress his students. Will eventually realizes that Santana is the ane who complained about him and she tells him that all he does is promote negative stereotypes about Latin culture. Volition decides to take the vacant history position and convinces Figgins to offer his Spanish job to David while Emma ends up receiving the promotion to tenure. Sue announces that she wants to have a infant and asks Volition to be her sperm donor so that the baby will take his kindness. Rachel tells Kurt and Mercedes of her appointment to Finn. Kurt tells Finn that he believes the only reason Finn wants to become married is because he has given up on his dreams.

'Sexy and I Know Information technology' – David & New Directions
'Don't Wanna Lose You' – Mercedes
'Bamboleo/Hero' – Sam & New Directions Males
'La Isla Bonita' – David & Santana
'A Little Less Conversation' – Volition, Brittany, & Mike

3×13 'Heart'

Sugar announces that she is throwing a party for Valentine's Day and everyone is invited. Rory and Artie compete to exist Saccharide's date and it is not until afterward Rory announces that he couldn't get his visa renewed that she chooses him. The Christian club dubbed the God Squad – Mercedes, Sam, Quinn, and former dwelling house schooled educatee, Joe Hart – decide to raise coin past selling singing telegrams. Santana wants to purchase one for Brittany, prompting the group to determine if they experience comfortable singing to a homosexual couple. Mercedes breaks upwards with Shane, simply turns down Sam besides considering she feels so guilty and wants to work through her feelings. Kurt finds out that the clandestine gentleman messages he had been receiving all week were from Karofsky. Kurt gently turns him downwards, simply their conversation was overheard by one of Karofsky's new classmates. At Saccharide'due south party, the God Squad goes through with performing the telegram for Brittany.

Rachel and Finn announce their engagement to the glee guild and receive mixed reactions. Rachel'due south dads, Hiram and LeRoy, announced supportive of her decision and they invite Finn, Burt, and Carole over for dinner. The 2 sets of parents tell Finn and Rachel that have arranged for the couple to spend the dark together in the cloak-and-dagger hope that the realities of living together will dissuade them from marriage. The plan backfires, notwithstanding, when Finn and Rachel announce that they want to become married even sooner.

'L-O-Five-Due east' – Tina & Mike
'Permit Me Dear You' – Artie, Kurt, Puck, Mike, & Sam
'Stereo Hearts' – Joe, Quinn, Mercedes, & Sam
'Dwelling house' – Rory
'I Volition E'er Beloved You' – Mercedes
'Yous're the Top' – Hiram, LeRoy, & Rachel
'Cherish/Cherish' – Joe, Quinn, Sam, & Mercedes
'Dearest Shack' – Blaine, Mercedes, Kurt, Rachel, & Brittany

iii×14 'On My Way'

Karofsky is outed at his new schoolhouse and faces bullying at schoolhouse and through the net. He grows despondent and attempts to hang himself, but is saved in time past his father. The news of his attempted suicide greatly affects the kids at McKinley besides as Sebastian who declares a truce with New Directions. Kurt goes to visit Karofsky in the infirmary where he offers his back up and the two hold to be friends. Rachel and Finn decide that they want to make each solar day count and plan to become married immediately following Regionals. The group ends upwards winning Regionals with the Warblers coming in 2nd. Everyone gets ready for Rachel and Finn's wedding and while they are waiting Sue tells Will that she is pregnant. They are running out of fourth dimension to go married, but Rachel wants to wait on Quinn who had to go home to pick up her dress. Rachel texts Quinn asking where she is and as Quinn texts back the words "on my way" she is hit by a truck.

'Cough Syrup' – Blaine
'Stand' – The Warblers
'Glad You Came' – The Warblers
'Fly/I Believe I Can Fly' – New Directions
'What Doesn't Kill You lot (Stronger)' – The Troubletones
'Here's to Usa' – Rachel & New Directions

three×15 'Large Brother'

After her accident, Quinn returns to McKinley in a wheelchair, but she says the doctors have given her promise that she may one day walk again. Principle Figgins makes swim passenger vehicle, Roz Washington, co-captain of the Cheerios because he believes Sue's pregnancy has acquired her to lose her edge. Sue convinces him to allow her to bus the squad by herself if she tin assistance the New Directions win at Nationals. Sue also learns that she is having a infant girl and that there were irregularities found in her amniocentesis. Puck asks Finn to move to California with him after graduation to be partners in his pool cleaning business, which prompts Finn to think about what he wants for his life. He tells Rachel to make sure that she really loves him and not merely who she thinks he tin be. Blaine'southward older blood brother, Cooper Anderson, comes to Lima for a visit. He is an role player who was in a national commercial and he agrees to give a Principal Class on acting for the glee kids. Quondam dwelling house schooled student, Joe Hart, joins the glee club at Quinn's urging.

'I'm Still Standing' – Quinn & Artie
'Hungry Like the Wolf/Rio' – Blaine & Cooper
'Up Up Up' – Artie & Quinn
'Fighter' – Blaine
'Somebody That I Used to Know' – Blaine & Cooper

three×sixteen 'Saturday Night Glee-ver'

Will is worried almost Finn, Mercedes, and Santana'due south apparent lack of concern for what they will practise later graduation. In an attempt to help inspire them, he and Sue set forth a competition using the music from Sat Dark Fever where the winner gets a replica of the iconic white adapt worn by John Travolta. They rig it so that Finn, Mercedes, and Santana are the finalists. Mercedes admits that she dreams of existence the next Mariah, Whitney, or Aretha, but she fears that she is not good enough. Sam encourages her past showing her the positive feedback a video of her singing receives on YouTube. The two share a osculation. Santana says that she wants to be famous and doesn't care how. Her mental attitude changes when Brittany attempts to help her achieve fame by posting a sex activity tape they made online. Sue later tells her that she doesn't need to search for fame using those methods and that she has been accepted to the University of Louisville with a full cheerleading scholarship. Finn doesn't realize what he wants to practice until he is forced to watch Saturday Dark Fever by Will. He then tells Rachel that he wants to get to New York with her and that he wants to be an thespian.

In the meantime, Kurt and Mercedes are approached by Vocal Adrenaline performer, Wade, who claims to exist their biggest fan. He confesses that he has a female person alter-ego named Unique, and that he wants to perform at his Regionals every bit Unique in a dress and heels. Kurt and Mercedes bear witness upward at the Regionals competition and effort to talk Wade out of it, but he decides to do it anyway. When new Song Adrenaline coach, Jesse St. James, sees Wade come up out as Unique he is outraged and tells him to go off the stage. Wade/Unique refuses and performs to the sound of cheers from the oversupply likewise as Kurt and Mercedes.

'Yous Should Be Dancing' – Blaine, Mike, & Brittany
'Night Fever' – Will, Sue, Joe, Blaine, & New Directions
'Disco Inferno' – Mercedes, Santana, & Brittany
'If I Tin can't Accept You' – Santana
'How Deep Is Your Love' – Rachel
'Boogie Shoes' – Wade & Vocal Adrenaline
'More Than A Woman' – Finn & New Directions
'Stayin' Alive' – Finn, Santana, Mercedes, & New Directions

3×17 'Trip the light fantastic toe With Somebody'

Will notices that the kids are notwithstanding mourning the death of Whitney Houston. Emma believes it is their style of dealing with their impending graduation, and then Volition decides to do a lesson in glee devoted to the artist. Joe notices that Quinn seems down and offers to go to concrete therapy with her. He begins to develop an allure for her and struggles to justify his physical reactions with his faith. They admit that they like each other, merely are unsure of where they stand. Will and Emma begin to plan their wedding and Will insists on moving it up to May, fifty-fifty though that is just a calendar month away, and having a stage. He later on admits that he is worried the glee kids won't come up back for it if they get married afterward graduation. Kurt meets another gay boy at a music store and begins a flirtation via text messages. Blaine finds out and accuses Kurt of cheating, which Kurt vehemently denies. Kurt tells Blaine that he has been distant with him lately and having someone prove him attending felt nice. Blaine admits that he had been pulling abroad considering he doesn't know how he will bargain with Kurt existence gone adjacent twelvemonth. They both agree to be more sensitive to the others feelings and are able to make up.

'How Will I Know' – Mercedes, Santana, Kurt, & Rachel
'I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)' – Brittany & Santana
'Saving All My Beloved For You' – Quinn & Joe
'So Emotional' – Santana & Rachel
'It'due south Not Right but It's Okay' – Blaine & New Directions
'I Have Nil' – Kurt
'My Beloved Is Your Love' – Artie, Mercedes, & New Directions

3×18 'Choke'

Kurt and Rachel gear up for their NYADA auditions. Against the advice of Rachel, Kurt takes a risk with his vocal choice and is complimented by the NYADA representative, Carmen Tibideaux. Rachel plays it safety and sings 'Don't Rain on My Parade,' which she has been performing since age 2, but ends up forgetting the lyrics. Puck is in danger of non existence able to graduate if he fails his geography form. The boys help him study for an important exam, simply he nonetheless fails. Jitney Beiste shows up at school with a black eye and says it'due south from a speed bag. When some of the girls are heard making insensitive remarks about domestic abuse Roz, Sue, and Beiste decide to give them a lesson on the seriousness of the issue. Beiste later admits that her husband did indeed striking her and, at Sue'south urging, she leaves him and says she will printing charges. In the cease, however, she goes back to requite him a 2d chance.

'The Music of the Dark' – Kurt & Tina
'Schoolhouse's Out' – Puck
'Cell Block Tango' – Tina, Santana, Mercedes, Brittany & Sugar
'Not The Male child Next Door' – Kurt
'Don't Rain On My Parade' – Rachel
'The Pelting In Spain' – Puck, Finn, Mike, Artie, Blaine, Joe & Rory
'Milkshake It Out' – Santana, Tina & Mercedes
'Cry' – Rachel

iii×19 'Prom-asaurus'

Information technology is prom time at McKinley and, equally senior class president, Brittany is in charge. With a dinosaur theme and a ban on hair gel, the glee kids get ready. Rachel struggles to come to terms with the loss of her NYADA dream and decides to put on an "anti-prom." Joe continues to help Quinn in physical therapy. She is gaining the strength to walk again and wants to surprise everyone at prom where she hopes to win Queen. In an endeavor to boost her chances, Quinn gets Finn to campaign with her since Rachel was non nominated. Kurt, Blaine, Puck, and Becky join Rachel for her anti-prom. Finn shows up and asks Rachel to go back to prom with him. She agrees and Kurt and Blaine go with them. Puck crowns himself and Becky the anti-prom King and Queen and they go to the real prom together. When Santana and Quinn count the prom courtroom ballots Finn comes out every bit King and Quinn wins Queen. Quinn isn't as excited equally she expected to exist and when Figgins reveals the winners it is not Quinn, but Rachel who is alleged Queen.

'Big Girls Don't Cry' – Rachel, Kurt & Blaine
'Dinosaur' – Brittany
'Love Yous Like a Love Song' – Santana with Tina & Brittany
'What Makes You Beautiful' – Joe, Rory, Artie, Sam & Mike
'Take My Breath Away' – Santana and Quinn

3×20 'Props'

As the glee guild prepares for Nationals, Tina expresses her dissatisfaction with e'er being relegated to a back-up singer for Rachel. Tina falls into a fountain bumping her head which leads to a dream in which she and the other members of New Directions switch identities. She afterward convinces Rachel to go see Carmen Tibideaux, who is teaching a Masterclass nearby, and invite her to see their performance at Nationals. Puck is bullied by members of the hockey team since he is not going to graduate. Beiste breaks upward the fight that ensues and Puck admits to her how afraid he is of turning out to be a loser similar his father. Beiste talks to his geography teacher and she agrees to let Puck retake the exam he failed. Beiste leaves Cooter and asks to exist a chaperone to Nationals. Anybody loads onto the bus and they begin the trip to Chicago for the competition.

'I Won't Give Up' – Rachel
'Because You Loved Me' – Tina
'Mean' – Puck and Beiste
'Flashdance…What A Feeling' – Rachel and Tina

3×21 'Nationals'

Tensions are high as New Directions arrive in Chicago and set up to compete at Nationals. They are the get-go group up and perform their 3 numbers to corking applause. Halfway through Rachel'southward solo Carmen Tibideaux shows up and watches the balance of the performance. Vocal Adrenaline performs later on, led in one case once again by Unique. Unique is awarded the individual MVP laurels, but the trophy for start place goes to New Directions. Dorsum at McKinley the group is welcomed past signs of congratulations and confetti from their peers. Will is given the award for Teacher of the Year.

'The Edge of Glory' – The Troubletones and Quinn & Tina
'It'due south All Coming Back to Me Now' – Rachel
'Paradise by the Dashboard Light' – New Directions
'Starships' – Vocal Adrenaline
'Pinball Wizard' – Vocal Adrenaline
'Natural language Tied' – New Directions
'Nosotros Are the Champions' – New Directions

3×21 'Nationals'

It is graduation time at McKinley and the glee gild seniors get fix to say goodbye. Mercedes plans to move to California where she will be a back-up singer for an artist on an Indie label and take classes at UCLA. Santana decides to skip college and movement to New York to pursue her dreams. Brittany tells Santana that she has failed her senior year and will be back at McKinley the next year. With Quinn'due south help Puck is able to pass his geography exam and graduate. Kurt and Rachel get their letters from NYADA – Rachel was accepted, but not Kurt. Finn finds out that did non get into Stride and decides to instead enlist in the regular army. He tells Rachel that she needs to become to New York without him and that he is "setting her free." Rachel shares a bawling goodbye with Finn before boarding a bus that takes her to New York.

'Sit down Downward, You're Rocking the Boat' – Artie, Kurt, Rachel, Mercedes and Tina
'Forever Immature' – Will
'I'll Remember' – Kurt
'You lot Get What You Give' – Finn, Puck, Rachel, Santana, Mercedes, Quinn, Kurt and Mike
'In My Life' – Sam, Tina, Artie, Blaine, Rory, Saccharide and Joe
'Glory Days' – Puck and Finn
'Roots Before Branches' – Rachel


Source: https://www.hypable.com/glee/season-3-episode-and-song-guide/

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